2024 guide to our sustainability efforts.
From cut flowers to plants!
The floral and gardening industry as a whole is far from perfect, but we are making leaps and bounds. Many great companies are working hard to make things better in recent years and we want to make sure you know everything WE are doing to support a more sustainable industry. From native plants and eco-friendly containers, to upcycling and donating past bloom perennials.
Locally Grown.
Over 80% of our garden center plants are considered locally grown, meaning they are grown and transported within our region.
For more information, please ask an associate! We’re happy to show you which plants are locally grown.
We also have several locally grown cut flowers in our walk-in cooler, most notably our tulips, peonies, iris and sunflowers…and now we’ve gone hyper local with stunning cut flowers supplied by Eighth Acre, right here in Darien, available on a seasonal basis!
While it is true we get many of our beautiful cut flower varieties globally, we do collaborate with vendors that have a commitment to sustainability, fair-trade labor and are always seeking to improve their business practices just as we are. Our European partners hold themselves to the high standard set by the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative.
“Since 2013 the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative has enabled exchange between leading organizations and businesses in the floriculture sector on sustainability, helping them to progress on this important agenda.
In continuity with what has been the members focus since the start, the FSI2025 ambition is centred around three pillars – responsible production & trade, responsible conduct and integrated reporting – plus the FSI governance framework, providing a comprehensive approach to supply chain sustainability.” Please visit their website for more information. https://www.fsi2025.com/
Native plants.
Over the past 5 years, we have increased the native plants and pollinators that are available in our garden center. Look for the marker, signage or speak with one of our team members to get started on your pollinator garden.
Several years ago, with the introduction of recyclable bags in the town of Darien, we also removed all excess packaging from our flower arrangements and converted our cut flower bouquet wrapping to completely recyclable or reusable products. All of our boxes and tissue can be recycled, and we encourage you to reuse the ribbon!
Growers Pots.
Did you know that CT Mixed recycling accepts growers/nursery pots as long as they are white, red or green?? The only ones that aren’t accepted are the black plastic pots.
Past bloom plants/older houseplants/cut flowers.
Rather than disposing of our seasonal plant material that is simply past bloom and needs a little love to come back next year, we are donating them to local organizations who can distribute them to those with less resources. This includes cut flowers that may not last long but are still lovely. We work with the Darien Senior Center, Person to Person, local schools and S.T.A.R in this program.
Fair trade labor
When we are not able to bring in locally grown cut flowers or plants, we work with vendors that are committed to positive employment for their farm workers and laborers.
Many of the farms we work with internationally also have water recycling programs in place and programs to offset their carbon footprint. You can find more information about these certified farms here: https://www.florverde.org/en/home/
“Florverde® Sustainable Flowers (FSF) is an independent social and environmental standard which ensures that flowers certified under this scheme have been responsibly produced.
This requires flower growers to adopt measures that will protect and enable worker’s rights, implement best environmental practices, and comply with national regulations. FSF also helps safeguard quality by requiring the proper care and handling of flowers.”